International Dublin Gay Theatre Festival - May 2011
Finally, we get Sebastienne and Galatea on film together! Galatea's Dead Girlfriend always goes down well with people who were growing up queer with Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

May 2010
Carlotta's merciless Gok Wan impression treats us to a version of "Popular", from the musical Wicked. Lyrics
Love Story
Carlotta and Galla treat us to the story Taylor Swift could never tell.. Lyrics
Sebastienne and Carlotta reach a consensus on the social construction of fatness, to the tune of a song from RENT. Subtitles / transcript available on YouTube.

August 2010
Vagina Dentata
The runaway success of Edinburgh - Galla's inspired writing was performed by most of us at some point! Here Lilka and Silvestre convert Robette ..
Are you sure you're straight?
Lilka's performance poem was a fantastic opener on many nights.
You're the Top
Itcia and Silvestre give us a new take on this Lashings classic.